
Ristorante Maffei

Piazza Erbe, 38
37121 Verona (VR)
Tel. +39 045 8010015

Opening times

Open every day

From 12pm to 10.30pm

Kitchen is open all day long

On holidays

We are always open, less than the 1st of January.

Speaking of...

During weekends and on Opera days at the Arena of Verona, to ensure the best experience, we suggest booking your table before 7.30 p.m. or from 8.45 p.m. onwards.

In case of a reservation at a different time than suggested, we guarantee a table in the indoor rooms, but will make every effort to seat you outside if indicated in the reservation notes.

Arena Opera Festival calendar:


Please note that the online booking request is only valid if made 48 hours before the requested date.
In case you need a prompt response, please contact us at +39 045 8010015.
Please note that the reservation is to be considered valid following our confirmation email.
In case of a delay of more than 30 minutes, the reservation will be deleted.

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